Following a particularly traumatic event through my professional work environment, I spent time with Ros to try and resolve some of the issues and to try and understand how and why I was feeling the way I was.
Ros gained my trust in the very first session by displaying a fantastic level of empathy with the situations I described. Experiencing PTS is a worrying and upsetting time. I found that I was helped most by the use of EMDR advanced techniques that Ros is qualified to discharge. This process was the most powerful one I have experienced and assisted the most with my healing journey. It is this that I would recommend most to any emergency services personnel or first responders/medical persons.
Ros helped me to understand why and how I was feeling the way I was, she provided graphical representations which helped with the learning process.
Writing this testimonial now, is only something I could undertake after I have had time to heal and reflect. I will always be thankful to Ros for the support she personally provided to me. The continued use of the mechanisms of handling situations and stress as well as personal resilience are what have enabled me to write this review.
If you are struggling with post-traumatic stress or are struggling with a particularly traumatic event, then I recommend Ros to you.